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Trusted by Over 25,000 Business
Owners Like You

  • “We’ve used Card Concepts for over 10 years at our 2 locations. Travis has provided amazing customer service. I’ve always been able to get a hold of him or his team right away. It’s so nice to be able to make a direct call to a person locally instead of calling an 800 number and waiting on hold. Highly recommended.”

  • “There is no exaggeration when I say our turnover has increased up to 20% and we’re serving customers better and more efficiently. All because of the one-in-all and all-in-one Elev8 POS software.”

    Retail store owner
  • “We were new in the food industry and afraid to get our hands on POS systems. One of my fellow business owners suggested trying Elev8POS.  They have helped our business and have had their hand in our success. I would recommend them to everyone.”

    Restaurant owner
  • Don’t Just Turn Tables. Turn the
    Odds in Your Favor.

    The restaurant industry is cut-throat, we don’t need to tell you. Why not take advantage of our
    powerful POS software and give yourself a competitive edge?


    Get the comprehensive product, user, and end-of-day reports and analyze the performance of your business.

    Table Side Ordering

    Elev8 POS ensures mobile service and flexible billing with upsell reminders and easy credit card payments.